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Recommendation Engine

Recommendation Engines can strategically assist businesses in achieving growth, and personalization is key to success. Going Cloud's Recommendation Engine is a one-stop solution designed to enhance personalized experiences with scenario-specific algorithms, tailored to meet your business requirements.

Why Recommendation Engine?

Driving Sales Growth

Never miss an opportunity to upsell or cross-sell with automated processes to encourage buyer purchases

Developing Loyalty

Data-driven processes to nurture loyalty through personalized content based on user behavior and attributes

Discovering Unidentified Needs

Identify potential user groups including hidden users, based on diverse sources of individual and product attributes

Our Recommendation Engine

Tailor content recommendations to match past preferences to boost interaction
news media
Product Detail Page
Display similar or relevant products to enhance the conversion rate
EC product details page
Search Result
Capture consumers’ intent and deliver personalized search ads for increased view-ability
EC search result
Customized Recommendation Results
Going Cloud helps deliver tailored experiences across your customer journey in various industries
End-to-End Solution
Delivering comprehensive solutions, we handle data cleansing, algorithm setup, and system maintenance, ensuring seamless implementation.
Flexible Business Logic
Customize algorithm logic to fit diverse business objectives, boosting recommendation system flexibility and efficacy.
Data Security
Empower customers with full data ownership by implementing our recommendation engine within their dedicated cloud environment.

Use Case

Taiwantrade logo
Recommendation Systems for Taiwantrade

Enhanced user experience and website conversion rates by optimizing website search and recommendation systems.

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